Developing Heaven within each individual

this is because the change that you want to see in others one has to begin from oneself first. 

The concept of prana is an ancient one, constantly studied and explored by numerous people over time. It is intrinsically connected with the forces of nature, thus impacting human lives deeply and has the potential to restore balance in human kind. Prana is a powerful force that can enable wellbeing at a physical, etheric, emotional and mental level.

For this project, the main focus is students and the youth of the country. We will help people to improve their overall performance in life by nurturing them towards dealing with and rising up through challenges that they face in their day to day lives.



"Knowing others is intelligence; knowing yourself is true wisdom. Mastering others is strength; mastering yourself is true power"

-- Lao Tzu

We Make A Living By What We Get, But We Make A Life By What We Give